Pre-Trial Negotiation
Listed below are summaries of some of the cases that I have handled in the past. These summaries are not intended as a guarantee of results in any future case. The outcome in any individual case depends on the facts and the law of that case.
Client followed by irate driver after client merges into traffic from a ‘turn-only’ lane. Driver continues to follow Client into a community-college parking lot. Other driver exits vehicle and confronts client, yelling and cursing about his driving. Client retrieves handgun in fear for his own safety. Client subsequently arrested and charged with Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon, Deadly Conduct, and Possession of a Weapon in a Prohibited Place. Presentation made to Grand Jury established Client acted in self-defense.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
College student accused of running from police attempting to investigate street racing. Police allege client took evasive action and fled the scene at up to 80 mph when approached by the police. Client arrested and charged with Felony Evading Arrest. Presentation to Grand Jury proves client is Not Guilty.
Result: Grand Jury dismisses charges.
Businessman accused of striking a bar patron with a broken beer bottle. Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Presentation to Grand Jury proves client is not guilty.
Result: Grand Jury dismisses charges.
College student accused of using his car as weapon to seriously injure another person. Investigation proves that victim instigated confrontation and client is not guilty.
Result: Grand Jury dismisses charges.
Well-respected teacher arrested and accused of possession of marijuana after traffic stop by police.
Result: District Attorney dismissed charges.
Business Owner accused of Unauthorized Redemption of Food Stamp Benefits. State Department of Health and Human Services accused client of fraudulent Possession and Use of Texas Food Stamp Card over a 6 year period. Presentation made to Grand Jury proving the innocence of client.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges are pursued.
Employee accused of using office computer to download and store child pornography. Client charged with 3 felony counts of possession of child pornography.
Result: District Attorney reduces all cases to misdemeanors, client receives short unsupervised probation sentence and does not have to register as sex offender.
Police Officer accused of interference with Child Custody. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
College student accused of drugging and raping 16 year old girl. Comprehensive investigation established clients innocence. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
Note: Same case presented to different Grand Jury over one year later. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
Retired Executive fails to yield right of way and causes major traffic accident. Accused of manslaughter in death of two passengers in his car. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
Employee of downtown software company ran a red light and struck an oncoming ambulance. Ambulance flipped over after impact, killing patient inside. Client accused of criminally negligent homicide. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury refused to indict and no charges pursued.
Business Owner stopped by police and arrested for driving while intoxicated. Investigation revealed observations made by police officer were caused by medical condition of client.
Result: Case Dismissed by District Attorney
Operator of tow truck accused of intentionally running over victim who was trying to prevent her car from being towed. Client charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide. Thorough investigation proved client was not guilty. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury dismissed charges.
Client arrested and accused of attempting to take a loaded handgun into a secured area of Love Field Airport. Presentation made to Grand Jury.
Result: Grand Jury dismissed charges.
5 College students arrested for selling alcohol without a license at local concert.
Result: All charges dismissed by District Attorney
17 year old female high school student stopped by police for a traffic violation. Police find marijuana in front seat of car. Client admits marijuana belongs to her.
Result: Case dismissed by District Attorney
Board Certified in Criminal Defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Not Board Certified as to any other specialty area.
Listed below are summaries of some of the cases that I have handled in the past. These summaries are not intended as a guarantee of results in any future case. The outcome in any individual case depends on the facts and the law of that case.
Male Client observed by a witness masturbating in a vehicle. Female Witness calls 911 and Client is stopped by Police. Client is arrested for indecent exposure. At trial, Witness and Police testify as to what they observed and identify client.
Result: Client found Not Guilty by Jury in 20 minutes.
Executive accused of DWI while returning home from a business dinner. Client fails all field sobriety tests given by the arresting officer. Client provides a breath sample that reveals an intoxication level of 0.15.
Result: Client found Not Guilty.
Client driving car with two friends inside. Stopped by police for traffic violation. Police discover marijuana under front seat of car. Client charged with possession of marijuana.
Result: Court grants defense motion to suppress stop of client and finds client Not Guilty.
Client stopped by police for traffic violation. Client is only passenger in vehicle. Police observe white powdery substance in floorboard. Client charged with possession of cocaine.
Result: Client found Not Guilty
Mother accused of assaulting daughter with butt of shotgun. Daughter taken to hospital for bleeding and bruising to nose and face. Three police officers and daughter testify at jury trail. Shotgun, photographs of injuries and medical records introduced into evidence by State.
Result: Mother found Not Guilty by Jury in 15 minutes.
Business Owner accused of assaulting police officer who entered his business. Two Officers testify at trial that client assaulted Officer.
Result: Client found Not Guilty by Jury.
Client accused of assaulting man and wife in parking lot of DFW Airport.
Result: Client found Not Guilty by Jury
Client accused of Driving While Intoxicated. Police observe client riding a motorcycle, speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. Police follow client with overhead lights on for over two miles before pulling over. Client fails all Field Sobriety Tests. Client provides a breath sample of 0.16.
Result: Client found Not Guilty by Jury.
Client accused of Felony Driving While Intoxicated, third offense. Client admitted to drinking multiple drinks at club prior to stop by police. Police testified client failed all field sobriety tests. Crime Scene investigation and subsequent cross examination of police officer proved unfairness of testing conditions.
Result: Client found Not Guilty.
Three students in law school are arrested for public intoxication at 3:30 a.m. Criminal charges have high probability of costing clients their lucrative job offers out of law school. Cases set for Jury Trial.
Result: All three cases are dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney on the morning of Jury Selection.
Board Certified in Criminal Defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Not Board Certified as to any other specialty area.
Listed below are summaries of some of the cases that I have handled in the past. These summaries are not intended as a guarantee of results in any future case. The outcome in any individual case depends on the facts and the law of that case.
Client convicted by jury of Driving While Intoxicated and Driving on a Suspended License. Punishment assessed at two years in jail. Represented on Appeal by J. Michael Price II.
Result: Case Reversed and Client Granted a New Trial. Appeals Court Ruled evidence improperly admitted by Trial Court Judge.
Client convicted of Driving While Intoxicated. Found Guilty and punishment assessed at 24 months probation, fine, court costs, community service, random drug tests, and DWI education program. Represented by J. Michael Price II on Appeal.
Result: Case Reversed and Judgment of Not Guilty Ordered. Appeals Court ruled State of Texas failed to prove client operated her vehicle on a street or highway.
Board Certified in Criminal Defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Not Board Certified as to any other specialty area.
Juvenile Defense
Listed below are summaries of some of the cases that I have handled in the past. These summaries are not intended as a guarantee of results in any future case. The outcome in any individual case depends on the facts and the law of that case.
14 year old high school student accused of selling a prescription drug on campus. Client arrested at school and charged in juvenile court with a Third Degree Felony of Distribution of a Controlled Substance in a drug-free zone. Client initially retains a law firm who assigns a non-lawyer to handle her case. Client subsequently retains J. Michael Price II.
Result: Charges dropped and Judge dismisses her case.
16 year old juvenile accused of sexual assault of a child. Presentation made to District Attorney regarding clients background, parental involvement, and rehabilitation efforts.
Result: District Attorney agrees to not file criminal charges.
Juvenile Accused of Sexual Assault of a child. Case set for Jury Trial.
Result: On morning of trial, District Attorney reduces case to a misdemeanor assault, short probation in the home, and child does not have to register as a sex offender.
16 Year Old juvenile arrested for obtaining a prescription by fraud from a pharmacy. Client had a previous juvenile record. Presentation made to District Attorney regarding juvenile participation in drug rehabilitation program and parental support.
Result: District Attorney agrees to not file criminal charges.
14 year old female juvenile accused of sexual assault of a 4 year old boy. Case set for Jury Trail.
Result: On day of trial, District Attorney agrees to reduce charges to a misdemeanor, short probation in the child’s home, and child does not have to register as sex offender.
Client and passenger stopped by police for traffic violation. Both clients are high school students. Both young men are very involved in athletics and extra curricular activities in school. Police find opened 12 pack of beer, and ‘beer bong’ in back seat.
Result: Both cases set for trial. First client found not guilty. Prosecuting Attorney dismisses case against passenger. Clients remain eligible for all school activities.
Board Certified in Criminal Defense by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Not Board Certified as to any other specialty area.
Letters from Clients
Dear Mr. Price:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your representation of me the past few months. Your professionalism was commendable and your attention to me as a person helped add that extra bit of support everybody needs when they go through such an ordeal.
In fact, as I was sitting in the hallway waiting for all the paper’s to be processed, I overheard conversations court appointed attorneys were having with their clients. They seemed cold, inattentive, and unconcerned for their clients’ welfare. One case in point is an attorney that stood aloof, staring around the room, as he explained a plea bargain to his client. He didn’t care what happened to the guy; he got paid either way. However, it comforted me to see you come sit next to me, look me in the eye, and explain to me what was happening. I felt you understood that this was not a apart of my normal life, and that something must be done to resolve this situation.
This type of concern is hard to find, not only in attorneys, but in everyday life. So often we come across people who simply care about themselves and are unwilling to “look out for their neighbor”. Even though I understand that you were doing your job, in my eyes you clearly went beyond the call of duty. Not only were your actions professional, but you showed a light of humanity that was genuine, and I thank you for that.
Thank you for all your hard work! I’m so grateful and we really appreciate you!
The S.& F. Family
Dear Mr. Price:
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you. All of your hard work and determination toward my case is greatly appreciated. I am very pleased with the outcome that you could get the judge to grant me.
Very truly yours,
Dear Mr. Price:
I want to thank you for your kindness in handling the case for K.S. and her friend J.G. Your willingness to help out pro-bono is above and beyond the call of duty. I am glad to find out that in this day and age some are still willing to do acts of kindness because people need help. I am confident that the Lord will bless you for your act of charity. If I can be of any help to you in any way don’t hesitate to call. My number is above. Thanks again.
Reverend E.S.
Received from a Prominent Dallas Personal Injury Attorney:
Dear Mike:
Congratulations on your court victory in the M.E. case. Given the facts of the case, as told to me by my legal assistant, I am very impressed with your results. Good job, counselor.
Should anyone ask me about a great criminal lawyer, I will continue to refer clients to you.
Wishing you continued successes and enjoyments, I am
Your friend and the publics,
Dear Mike:
On behalf of M.E. and his parents, I want to thank you so much for the incredibly professional and doggedly determined way in which you handled his case. It was certainly a new experience to all of us and one which caused us great concern and anxiety. However, your positive attitude and self confident manner certainly eased the feeling of dread and doom.
Words cannot express our gratitude. This entire incident has been the equivalent of a nightmare from which one cannot wake up. Although the process was very expensive to us, the results were certainly worth the investment.
Wishing you the best of all, I am
Yours truly,